Combinando sus raíces venezolanas con su experiencia personal como inmigrante en EEUU, Oswaldo Rodriguez traduce sus memorias personales, tradición y herencia ancestral en potentes mensajes visuales. Para Rodriguez, la energía del color no tiene fronteras, y con él teje un regalo universal para un receptor desconocido: “All are welcome” (Todos son bienvenidos). La palabra “tranqui”, un guiño a la expresión latina usada para dar soporte al compañero, así como el uso de la flor como referencia al acto del obsequio, canalizan la esencia visual de Rodriguez en este cálido y energizante mensaje.
Combining his Venezuelan roots with his personal experience as a US immigrant, Oswaldo Rodríguez translates deeply personal memories, tradition, and ancestral heritage into vibrant messages. For Rodríguez, the energy of color knows no borders, through which he weaves a universal gift to an unknown recipient: “All are welcome”. The word “tranqui”, a nod to the Hispanic saying used to give support to one's peers, and the use of the flower as a symbol of a gift, channels Rodríguez's visual essence into a warm and energizing message.
For each blanket purchased, 3 are donated to IRCO
Woven Blanket - 100% Cotton
54” x 70”
$150.00 + Shipping
Combining his Venezuelan roots with his personal experience as a US immigrant, Oswaldo Rodríguez translates deeply personal memories, tradition, and ancestral heritage into vibrant messages. For Rodríguez, the energy of color knows no borders, through which he weaves a universal gift to an unknown recipient: “All are welcome”. The word “tranqui”, a nod to the Hispanic saying used to give support to one's peers, and the use of the flower as a symbol of a gift, channels Rodríguez's visual essence into a warm and energizing message.
For each blanket purchased, 3 are donated to IRCO
Woven Blanket - 100% Cotton
54” x 70”
$150.00 + Shipping

We partnered with 8 artists from around the world to create a series of custom woven blankets featuring artwork based on the theme of ONE HUMANITY : ALL ARE WELCOME. For every blanket purchased, 3 were donated to IRCO to use as a gift of welcome to immigrants and refugees when first arriving in Portland. These blankets provide hope, encouragement, and a sense of equality and belonging to our new neighbors. The artwork for these blankets has come from both near and far to represent the beauty and richness we gain by living in community and learning from people of all different backgrounds, customs and cultures.
Welcome Blankets have been made possible in part by a grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council
We partnered with 8 artists from around the world to create a series of custom woven blankets featuring artwork based on the theme of ONE HUMANITY : ALL ARE WELCOME. For every blanket purchased, 3 were donated to IRCO to use as a gift of welcome to immigrants and refugees when first arriving in Portland. These blankets provide hope, encouragement, and a sense of equality and belonging to our new neighbors. The artwork for these blankets has come from both near and far to represent the beauty and richness we gain by living in community and learning from people of all different backgrounds, customs and cultures.

Welcome Blankets have been made possible in part by a grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council