Kate Frizalis
Я очень рада и горжусь тем, что являюсь частью проекта «Welcome Blankets». Будучи сама иммигранткой, я помню тот момент, когда ты покидаешь свою семью, свою страну, все, к чему ты привык, и начинаешь новую жизнь ... Этот момент пугающий и в то же время волнующий. Также я знаю, что после этого момента впереди будет столько хорошего - планы, мечты, новые возможности, предстоящие приключения и новые друзья! Надеюсь, мое одеяло принесет радость, улыбки и удачу новым владельцам!
I am very pleased and proud to be a part of the “Welcome Blankets” project. Being an immigrant myself, I remember this moment when you are leaving your family, your country, everything that you are used to and starting a new life ... This moment is scary and exciting at the same time. I also know that after that moment there will be so many great things ahead - plans, dreams, new opportunities, upcoming adventures and new friends! I hope my blanket will bring joy, smiles and good luck to its new owners!
For each blanket purchased, 3 are donated to IRCO
Woven Blanket - 100% Cotton
54” x 70”
$150.00 + Shipping
I am very pleased and proud to be a part of the “Welcome Blankets” project. Being an immigrant myself, I remember this moment when you are leaving your family, your country, everything that you are used to and starting a new life ... This moment is scary and exciting at the same time. I also know that after that moment there will be so many great things ahead - plans, dreams, new opportunities, upcoming adventures and new friends! I hope my blanket will bring joy, smiles and good luck to its new owners!
For each blanket purchased, 3 are donated to IRCO
Woven Blanket - 100% Cotton
54” x 70”
$150.00 + Shipping

We partnered with 8 artists from around the world to create a series of custom woven blankets featuring artwork based on the theme of ONE HUMANITY : ALL ARE WELCOME. For every blanket purchased, 3 were donated to IRCO to use as a gift of welcome to immigrants and refugees when first arriving in Portland. These blankets provide hope, encouragement, and a sense of equality and belonging to our new neighbors. The artwork for these blankets has come from both near and far to represent the beauty and richness we gain by living in community and learning from people of all different backgrounds, customs and cultures.
Welcome Blankets have been made possible in part by a grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council
We partnered with 8 artists from around the world to create a series of custom woven blankets featuring artwork based on the theme of ONE HUMANITY : ALL ARE WELCOME. For every blanket purchased, 3 were donated to IRCO to use as a gift of welcome to immigrants and refugees when first arriving in Portland. These blankets provide hope, encouragement, and a sense of equality and belonging to our new neighbors. The artwork for these blankets has come from both near and far to represent the beauty and richness we gain by living in community and learning from people of all different backgrounds, customs and cultures.

Welcome Blankets have been made possible in part by a grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council